Thursday, January 24, 2008


Welcome ~~~
I hope I can figure this out and make it worth while for my friends & family to want to come and check it out. I have enjoyed reading other bloggers blogs out there and thought it was time I joined in the fun. Let me know what you think... please leave comments so I know what you think about this idea... Love,
De brat


Nikki said...

Hi, I already found you and added you to my link :) Yea for blogging! It's much better than MYSPACE ;o tee hee hee...Sure love and miss you!! IF you can't think of things to blog about, I have all sorts of good ideas like Memorylane Monday...Wacky Wednesday...etc. etc. There are all sorts of things you can do.

Anonymous said...

Hi we found you and added you too :) We think that you need to put more pictures because we need more debbie! Thanks for the comment. We love you and miss you.

Nikki said...

Anyday now!!!! I'm waiting for a new post girl! There has to be something to talk about :) tee hee hee